Group Projects
IoT Malware Research
- ⭐IoT Malware Intelligence Collecting System
Capture IoT botnets and get their behavior data using honeycloud and sandboxes.
Github 🔍Details
Android Malware Research
🔥Android Test Farm
Manupulates Android devices to run apps and collect their network flow.
Github 🔍DetailsData Analyze and Storage Infrastructures
Building the workflow of our group’s data management, maintaining cloud servers and databases.
🔍DetailsNetwork Traffic Online Analyzer in High-Speed Networks and Embedded Devices
Collect and analyze network traffic on network devices, make classifiers adapt to various environments.
🔍DetailsA Python Port of Nodogsplash
Pops up prompts on monitored client. Funded by University Student Research Training Program, SX2015318.
Github 🔍Details
Personal & Hobby Projects
Hacking Network Authenticator Apps to Bypass NAT Detection on Android
to hook and substitute functions related to networking.
🔍DetailsAn MIPS R3000 CPU on FPGA
Project for Loongson Cup 1st National Student Computer System Capability Challenge.
🔍DetailsHigh-performance DNS Mirror Server based on DPDK
Implemented a minimal DNS protocol and a part of TCP/IP stack on the DPDK platform.
🔍DetailsRGB LED Strip Controller with Bluetooth Remote Control
Draws and displays colored patterns on LED strip. Implemented a simple hardware abstract layer to port the drawing code from STM32 to ESP32.
Github 🔍DetailsAndroid-based Retail Stores Supporting System
Project for 14th Shandong Provincial Software Design Competition for University Students.
Github 🔍DetailsCellular-based Commercial Washing Machine Management Platform
Project for 14th Shandong Provincial Software Design Competition for University Students.
Academic Projects
As we refered in many papers, the projects and studies of our group, including the “Group Projects” listed on this page were suppoted by following fundings:
Intelligent Detection of Mobile Malware Network Activities
May 2019 - Aug. 2022 - Funded by Project of Independent Cultivated Innovation Team of Jinan City, 2018GXRC002.
Research Assistant。IoT and Mobile Malware Traffic Detection
Nov. 2018 - Jul. 2020 - Technology procurement by Huawei Technologies, YBN2018095092.
Research Assistant, core developer.Mobile Malware Traffic Detection Model in IPv6 Environment
May 2017 - Jul. 2019 - Funded by CERNET Next Generation Internet Innovation Project, NGII20160404.
Research Assistant.Traffic Online Detection Based on Imbalanced Deep Learning For Android Malwares
Jan. 2017 - Feb. 2020 - Funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.61672262.
Research Assistant.
Along with many other grants: National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grants No.61472164 and No.61702218, Shandong Provincial Key R&D Program under Grant No.2018CXG0706 and No.2019GGX101028, Project of Shandong Province Higher Educational Youth Innovation Science and Technology Program NO.2019KJN028.