🎓M.S. in Computer Science. An enthusiast in cybersecurity and hard-core computer technologies.
Cyber forensics, intrusion detection, android apps analysis, edge computing security, botnets, and related machine learning issues.
Computer Systems:
Operating systems, next-generation networks.
Embedded systems:
Robotic systems, cyber-physical systems, automotive networks.
Devils in the Clouds: An Evolutionary Study of Telnet Bot Loaders.
Yuhui Zhu, Zhenxiang Chen, Qiben Yan, Shanshan Wang, Alberto Giaretta,Enlong Li, Lizhi Peng, Chuan Zhao, Mauro Conti
In progress.
Mining Function Homology of Bot Loaders from Honeypot Logs.
Yuhui Zhu, Zhenxiang Chen, Qiben Yan, Shanshan Wang, Enlong Li, Lizhi Peng, Chuan Zhao
In progress, arXiv🌐.